Sunday, October 29, 2023

My First Qt App

Just for fun, I wanted to try to make a Qt app that graphs some data. For contrast, I'm aware of Swift Charts, and I thought using Qt to graph some stuff would be a fun little project, now that I'm using FreeBSD full time, rather than macOS. The latest version of Qt is version 6, so that's what I'll be using.


When you use Qt Creator to create a new Qt project, it only creates 4 files:

  • CMakeLists.txt
  • CMakeLists.txt.user
  • main.cpp
  • Main.qml

Qt Creator can understand CMakeLists.txt directly - if you want to open the "project," you open that file. Just like with Cocoa programming, main.cpp doesn't contain much inside it - it's just a few lines line and it initializes the existing infrastructure to load the app's UI.

Also, like Cocoa programming, most of the description of the UI of the app is described declaratively, in the .qml file. The way this works is you say something like:

Foo {
    bar: baz

And this means "when the QML file is loaded, create an instance of type Foo, and set the property named bar on this new object to a value of baz."

The outermost level is this:

Window {
    width: 640
    height: 480
    visible: true
    title: qsTr("Hello World")

Then, you can add "elements" inside the window, by placing it inside the {}s. There are collection views (Row, Column, Grid, Flow) which define how to lay out their children, and there are also more general elements like Rectangle. When your layout is not naturally specified (because you're not using containers or whatever), you describe the layout using anchors, like anchors.centerIn: parent or anchors.fill: parent.

Qt Charts

Qt has a built-in chart element, so the first thing I did was just copy the ChartView example directly into my QML document as a child of the Window. However, that didn't work, and some searching found this note:

> Note: An instance of QApplication is required for the QML types as the module depends on Qt's Graphics View Framework for rendering. QGuiApplication is not sufficient. However, projects created with Qt Creator's Qt Quick Application wizard are based on the Qt Quick template that uses QGuiApplication by default. All the QGuiApplication instances in such projects must be replaced with QApplication.

Okay, so I replaced QGuiApplication with QApplication in main.cpp, and changed #include <QGuiApplication> to #include <QApplication>, only to find that there is now a compile error: the compiler can't find that file. After some more searching, it turns out I needed to change this:

find_package(Qt6 6.5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Quick


find_package(Qt6 6.5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Quick Widgets)

and change 

    PRIVATE Qt6::Quick


    PRIVATE Qt6::Quick
    PRIVATE Qt6::Widgets

Huh. After doing that, it worked no problem.

Data Source (C++ interop)

So now I have a chart, which is pretty cool, but the data that the chart uses is spelled out literally in the QML file. That's not very useful - I plan on generating thousands of data points, and I don't want to have to put them inline inside this QML thing. Instead, I want to load them from an external source.

QML files allow you to run JavaScript by literally placing bits of JavaScript inside the QML file, but I think I want to do better - I want my data source to come from C++ code, so I have full freedom about how I generate it. From some searching, it looks like there are 2 ways of having C++ and QML JavaScript interoperate:

  • You can register a singleton, or a singleton instance, and then the JavaScript can call methods on that singleton
  • You can register a type, and have the QML create an instance of that type, just like any other element
  • (You can setContextProperty(), which lets the QML look up an instance that you set ahead of time. However, there's a note that says "You should not use context properties to inject values into your QML components" which is exactly what I'm trying to do, so this probably isn't the right solution.)

I have a general aversion to singletons, and I think registering a type is actually what I want, because I want the QML infrastructure to own the instance and define its lifetime, so that's the approach I went with. The way you do this is, in main() after you create the QApplication but before you do anything else, you call qmlRegisterType(). Here is what main() says:

qmlRegisterType<DataSource>("com.litherum", 1, 0, "DataSource");

This allows the QML to say import com.litherum, which is pretty cool.


Defining the DataSource type in C++ is a bit weird. It turns out that Qt objects are not just regular C++ objects. Instead, you write your classes in a different language, which is similar to C++, and then there is a "meta-object compiler" which will compile your source to actual C++. It looks like the main purpose of this is to be able to connect signals and slots, where an object can emit a signal, and if a slot in some other object is connected to that signal, then the slot callback gets run in that other object. It seems pretty similar to observers in Objective-C. They also have the ability to perform introspection, like Objective-C .... I kind of don't understand why they didn't just invent a real language rather than doing this C++ transpilation silliness.

Anway, you can define your (not-)C++ class, inherit from QObject, annotate the class with Q_OBJECT and QML_ELEMENT, and give it a method with the Q_INVOKABLE annotation. Sure, fine. Then, in the QML file, you can add a stanza which tells the system to create an instance of this class, and you can use the Component.onCompleted JavaScript handler to call into it (via its id). Now you can call the C++ method you just defined from within the QML. Cool. This is what the C++ header says:

class DataSource : public QObject
    explicit DataSource(QObject *parent = nullptr);

    Q_INVOKABLE void updateData(QXYSeries*, double time);

Okay, the method is supposed to set the value of the SplineSeries in the chart. The most natural way to do this is to pass the SplineSeries into the C++ function as a parameter. This is actually pretty natural - all the QML types have corresponding C++ types, so you just make the C++ function accept a QSplineSeries*. Except we run into the same compiler error where the compiler can't find #include <QSplineSeries>. It turns out that in CMakeLists.txt we have to make a similar addition and add Charts to both places that we added Widgets above. Fine. Here's what the QML says:

 DataSource {
    id: dataSource
    Component.onCompleted: function() {

Once you do this, it actually works out well - the C++ code can call methods on the QSplineSeries, and it can see the values that have been set in the QML. It can generate a QList<QPointF> and call QSplineSeries::replace() with the new list.

The one thing I couldn't get it to do was automatically rescale the charts' axes when I swap in new data with different bounds. Oh well.

I did want to go one step further, though!


One of the coolest things about retained-mode UI toolkits is that they often allow for animations for free. Swapping out the data in the series should allow Qt to smoothly animate from the first data set to the second. And it actually totally worked! It took me a while to figure out how specifically to spell the values, but in the QML file, you can set these on the ChartView:

animationOptions: ChartView.AllAnimations
animationDuration: 300 // milliseconds
animationEasingCurve {
    type: Easing.InOutQuad

I found these by looking at the documentation for QChart. And, lo and behold, changing the data values smoothly animated the spline on the graph! I also needed some kind of timer to actually call my C++ function to generate new data, which you do with QML also:

Timer {
    interval: 1000 // milliseconds
    running: true
    repeat: true
    onTriggered: function() {

Super cool stuff! I'm always impressed when you can enable animations in a declarative way, without having your own code running at 60fps. Also, while the animations are running, from watching KSysGuard, it looks like the rendering is multithreaded, which is super cool too! (And, I realized that KSysGuard probably uses Qt Charts under the hood too, to show its performance graphs.)


It looks like Qt Charts is pretty powerful, has lots of options to make it beautiful, and is somewhat fairly performant (though I didn't rigorously test the performance). Using it did require creating a whole Qt application, but the application is super small, only has a few files, and each file is pretty small and understandable. And, being able to make arbitrary dynamic updates over time while getting animation for free was pretty awesome. I think being able to describe most of the UI declaratively, rather than having to describe it all 100% in code, is definitely a good design decision for Qt. And the C++ interop story was a little convoluted (having to touch main() is a bit unfortunate) but honestly not too bad in the end.

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