Saturday, March 2, 2019

Wide color vs HDR

Over the past few years, there’s been something of a renaissance in display technology. It started with retina displays and now is extending to wide color and HDR. Wide color has been added to Apple’s devices, and HDR support has arrived in Windows. These are similar technologies, but they aren’t the same.

HDR allows you to display the same colors you could display with out, but at a higher luminosity (colloquially: brightness). This is sort of like the difference between one red lightbulb and two red lightbulbs. Looking at two red lightbulbs doesn’t change the color of the red, but instead it’s just brighter.

Wide color, on the other hand, lets you see colors that weren’t possible to see before. It is possible to display colors that are more saturated than otherwise could have been.

HDR monitors use the same color primaries as non-HDR monitors, but the luminosity of each of those primaries can grow beyond 1.0. On the other hand, wide color monitors use different, more saturated primaries.

Click and drag to rotate!
The colorful cube is sRGB, normalized to the luminosity of an iPad Pro screen. The white lines describe the gamut of an iPad Pro screen using the Display-P3 color space. The light blue describes the gamut of an ASUS ROG PG27UQ monitor, which is both HDR and wide color. The purple describes the gamut of a SurfaceBook laptop. The coordinate system is XYZ, but transformed such that sRGB is a unit cube.

In the above diagram, luminosity is roughly equivalent to distance in the +X+Y+Z direction. The chroma (hue and saturation) of a point is roughly the angle between two lines, one of which goes through the origin and the point, and the other goes through the origin and pure white. Therefore, wider colors are characterized by the three primary axes pointing in more opposite directions, whereas luminosity is roughly how far those lines extend.

You can see this above. The black and white points are shared between sRGB and Display P3, but the Display P3 monitor can show more points around the middle. So it isn’t more luminous, but it is wider. The ASUS monitor is both wide and HDR, so its axes open up widely, and also extend very far. A monitor that’s HDR but not wide would have the same primaries as sRGB, but would extend out far like the ASUS monitor.

Luminosity isn’t only tangentially related to color; in fact, each color has exactly one luminosity value. If you take a color and convert it to the XYZ color space, the Y component is luminosity. So, an HDR monitor can show colors with Y components significantly larger than non HDR monitors. A wide color monitor can’t, but it can show colors with X and Z values other than the values non-wide monitors can.

This is kind of interesting, because the sRGB spec says that its white point is defined to be 80 nits (which is the unit of luminosity). However, over the decades, monitors have gotten brighter, presumably because psychologically, consumers prefer to buy brighter displays than dimmer displays. Nowadays, most monitors are around 200-300 nits. Therefore, if you strictly adhere to the spec, an sRGB color value (r, g, b) should be some particular point in XYZ space, but in practice, because everyone bought brighter monitors, those same color values (r, g, b) are actually a point with a much greater Y value in XYZ. So different displays have different primaries, but they also have a different luminosity, which affects how far away from 0 the white point is in sRGB. You can see this in the above diagram - the SurfaceBook’s maximum white point is significantly smaller than the color cube, which is because the Surface Book reports a luminosity of only 270 nits. The diagram above is normalized to the luminosity of an iPad pro, which is measured by to be 368 nits.

You can get all this information on Windows by using the IDXGIOutput6::GetDesc1() API call. This call gives you a lot of information, and it’s a little bit difficult to decipher. The redPrimary, greenPrimary, and bluePrimary give you the direction of each of the primaries in XYZ space. Each one is reported as an (x, y) tuple, which is the result of the calculation X/(X+Y+Z) and Y/(X+Y+Z), respectively[6]. Notice that you’re only given two pieces of information; that means that this isn’t a 3D point in XYZ space, but it’s rather a line. The line can be given in parametric form:

X(t) = x * t
Y(t) = y * t
Z(t) = (1-x-y) * t

As you can see, this passes through the origin and extends outward in some direction forever. Therefore, these xy values give you direction, but not magnitude.

To get magnitude, you need to consider the white point. The white point also has a direction, given in xy coordinates, which tells you which direction that farthest corner of the cube lies, but it doesn’t tell you how far along that line the corner is. To figure this out, you have to use the luminance figures reported by that API. Luminance is the Y channel of XYZ, so if you know the Y value and the direction of the line, you can solve for X and Z. Then, once you know that point, you can solve the maximum extents of the primaries by using the formula of redPrimary + greenPrimary + bluePrimary = whitePoint. That gives you the entire cube.

Calculating the cube for iOS is less detailed. The Display P3 color space is supposed to match the colors representable on the monitor, so we can interrogate the color space instead of the monitor’s reported info. You can construct a CGColor using the CGColorSpace.displayP3 and then use CGColor’s conversion function to turn it into an XYZ color. You can then scale the result by the luminosity of the display (which I looked up from

Here's the full text of the Swift Playground I used to calculate the Windows information:
import Foundation
import CoreGraphics
import GLKit

func calculateWhitePoint() -> (CGFloat, CGFloat, CGFloat) {
    let xWhite = CGFloat(0.3125)
    let yWhite = CGFloat(0.329101563)
    let zWhite = 1 - xWhite - yWhite
    let luminance = CGFloat(658.345215)
    let normalizedLuminance = luminance / 374

    let t = normalizedLuminance / yWhite
    let XWhite = xWhite * t
    let YWhite = yWhite * t
    let ZWhite = (1 - xWhite - yWhite) * t

    return (XWhite, YWhite, ZWhite)

func convertXYZToRGB(X: CGFloat, Y: CGFloat, Z: CGFloat) -> (CGFloat, CGFloat, CGFloat) {
    let r = 3.2406 * X - 1.5372 * Y - 0.4986 * Z
    let g = -0.9689 * X + 1.8758 * Y + 0.0415 * Z
    let b = 0.0557 * X - 0.2040 * Y + 1.0570 * Z
    return (r, g, b)

let (XWhite, YWhite, ZWhite) = calculateWhitePoint()

// X(t) = x * t
// Y(t) = y * t
// Z(t) = (1 - x - y) * t

let xRed = Float(0.674804688)
let yRed = Float(0.316406250)
let zRed = 1 - xRed - yRed
let xGreen = Float(0.1953125)
let yGreen = Float(0.708007813)
let zGreen = 1 - xGreen - yGreen
let xBlue = Float(0.151367188)
let yBlue = Float(0.046875)
let zBlue = 1 - xBlue - yBlue

// Red primary (XRed, YRed, ZRed): s * (xRed, yRed, zRed)
// Green primary (XGreen, YGreen, ZGreen): t * (xGreen, yGreen, zGreen)
// Blue primary (XBlue, YBlue, ZBlue): u * (xBlue, yBlue, zBlue)

// XWhite = XRed + XGreen + XBlue
// YWhite = YRed + YGreen + YBlue
// ZWhite = ZRed + ZGreen + ZBlue

// XWhite = s * xRed + t * xGreen + u * xBlue
// YWhite = s * yRed + t * yGreen + u * yBlue
// ZWhite = s * zRed + t * zGreen + u * zBlue

// [xRed, xGreen, xBlue]   [s]   [XWhite]
// [yRed, yGreen, yBlue] * [t] = [YWhite]
// [zRed, zGreen, zBlue]   [u]   [ZWhite]

let matrix = GLKMatrix3MakeAndTranspose(xRed, xGreen, xBlue, yRed, yGreen, yBlue, zRed, zGreen, zBlue)
let inverted = GLKMatrix3Invert(matrix, nil)
let solution = GLKMatrix3MultiplyVector3(inverted, GLKVector3Make(Float(XWhite), Float(YWhite), Float(ZWhite)))
let s = solution.x
let t = solution.y
let u = solution.z

let XRed = s * xRed
let YRed = s * yRed
let ZRed = s * zRed
let XGreen = t * xGreen
let YGreen = t * yGreen
let ZGreen = t * zGreen
let XBlue = u * xBlue
let YBlue = u * yBlue
let ZBlue = u * zBlue

// Let's check our work
XRed + XGreen + XBlue
YRed + YGreen + YBlue
ZRed + ZGreen + ZBlue
XRed / (XRed + YRed + ZRed)
YRed / (XRed + YRed + ZRed)
XGreen / (XGreen + YGreen + ZGreen)
YGreen / (XGreen + YGreen + ZGreen)
XBlue / (XBlue + YBlue + ZBlue)
YBlue / (XBlue + YBlue + ZBlue)

// 0 0 0 -> 0 0 0
// 1 0 0 -> XRed, YRed, ZRed
// 0 1 0 -> XGreen, YGreen, ZGreen
// 0 0 1 -> XBlue, YBlue, ZBlue
// 1 1 0 -> XRed + XGreen, YRed + YGreen, ZRed + ZGreen
// 0 1 1 -> XGreen + XBlue, YGreen + YBlue, ZGreen + ZBlue
// 1 0 1 -> XRed + XBlue, YRed + YBlue, ZRed + ZBlue
// 1 1 1 -> XRed + XGreen + XBlue, YRed + YGreen + YBlue, ZRed + ZGreen + ZBlue

let _000 = convertXYZToRGB(X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0)
let _100 = convertXYZToRGB(X: CGFloat(XRed), Y: CGFloat(YRed), Z: CGFloat(ZRed))
let _010 = convertXYZToRGB(X: CGFloat(XGreen), Y: CGFloat(YGreen), Z: CGFloat(ZGreen))
let _001 = convertXYZToRGB(X: CGFloat(XBlue), Y: CGFloat(YBlue), Z: CGFloat(ZBlue))
let _110 = convertXYZToRGB(X: CGFloat(XRed + XGreen), Y: CGFloat(YRed + YGreen), Z: CGFloat(ZRed + ZGreen))
let _011 = convertXYZToRGB(X: CGFloat(XGreen + XBlue), Y: CGFloat(YGreen + YBlue), Z: CGFloat(ZGreen + ZBlue))
let _101 = convertXYZToRGB(X: CGFloat(XRed + XBlue), Y: CGFloat(YRed + YBlue), Z: CGFloat(ZRed + ZBlue))
let _111 = convertXYZToRGB(X: CGFloat(XRed + XGreen + XBlue), Y: CGFloat(YRed + YGreen + YBlue), Z: CGFloat(ZRed + ZGreen + ZBlue))

0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, // left front
0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, // bottom front
1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, // right front
0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, // top front
print("\(_000.0), \(_000.1), \(_000.2), \(_010.0), \(_010.1), \(_010.2), // left front")
print("\(_000.0), \(_000.1), \(_000.2), \(_100.0), \(_100.1), \(_100.2), // bottom front")
print("\(_100.0), \(_100.1), \(_100.2), \(_110.0), \(_110.1), \(_110.2), // right front")
print("\(_010.0), \(_010.1), \(_010.2), \(_110.0), \(_110.1), \(_110.2), // top front")

0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, // left back
0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, // bottom back
1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, // right back
0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, // top back
print("\(_001.0), \(_001.1), \(_001.2), \(_011.0), \(_011.1), \(_011.2), // left back")
print("\(_001.0), \(_001.1), \(_001.2), \(_101.0), \(_101.1), \(_101.2), // bottom back")
print("\(_101.0), \(_101.1), \(_101.2), \(_111.0), \(_111.1), \(_111.2), // right back")
print("\(_011.0), \(_011.1), \(_011.2), \(_111.0), \(_111.1), \(_111.2), // top back")

0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, // top left
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, // bottom left
1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, // top right
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1  // bottom right
print("\(_010.0), \(_010.1), \(_010.2), \(_011.0), \(_011.1), \(_011.2), // top left")
print("\(_000.0), \(_000.1), \(_000.2), \(_001.0), \(_001.1), \(_001.2), // bottom left")
print("\(_110.0), \(_110.1), \(_110.2), \(_111.0), \(_111.1), \(_111.2), // top right")
print("\(_100.0), \(_100.1), \(_100.2), \(_101.0), \(_101.1), \(_101.2), // bottom right")

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