Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Producing Executables

The way that most people produce an executable is to describe the behavior you want your code to have, then run that description through a compiler, which produces an executable. It’s worth an investigation into the actual executable file itself.

The goal of an executable file is to hold a description of a program. Our computers can execute programs written in a particular language, which is the machine’s particular instruction set. A native executable contains a simple sequence of instructions in the machine’s native language. Because the language that we store is the same language that the machine can consume, we can simply map the bytes of the file into memory, point the machine at it, and say “go.”

Not so fast, though. Software is composable, meaning that your program might want to call functions that exist inside other files. One kind of library, a static library, actually has all its code copied into your executable before the final executable is produced. Dynamic libraries, on the other hand, aren’t copied into your executable, but must instead be present when your program first runs. This is done by the dynamic loader, which is the same thing which maps your code from the file into memory.

But how does the dynamic loader know which libraries to load? Well, your executable must list them somehow. This list is actually kept inside your executable file (rather than in an accompanying file). Which means that your executable file isn’t ::just:: a bunch of instructions, but instead has to have some sort of way to represent a variety of data structures, just one of which is the sequence of machine instructions.

Note that the format for this file isn’t machine-specific, but is instead OS-specific. The physical machine only cares about your instructions; everything else is just input to the dynamic loader, which is just some software that gets run when you want to execute a program. Because the dynamic loader is specific to each operating system, the format of this file is specific to each operating system.

I’ll be discussing the format on Mac OS X, which is the Mach-O file format. The format is described at [1], but I’ll summarize it here. First up is a header, with a magic number and some identifiers of the hardware machine type that this file is specific to. Then, there is a sequence of “load commands,” which really aren’t commands at all. These are simply a way to chunk up the file into a bunch of different pieces.

One such load command is LC_SEGMENT_64, which references the raw bytes which should be mapped into memory. Among other things, this chunk of the file contains a reference to the raw machine code that the instruction pointer will point into. I’ll spend more time discussing this in a bit.

One of the tasks of the loader is to resolve references between libraries. This means that a library must have a way of describing where all its symbols reside, and where all its external references are so the linker can overwrite them. A Mach-O file describes these locations with the LC_SYMTAB and LC_DYSYMTAB, and LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY load commands.

Here are some more other interesting load commands:
  • LC_LOAD_DYLINKER: The path to the dynamic linker itself
  • LC_UUID: A random number. If you regenerate the file, this will be different, so utilities know that they need to reload their data
  • LC_LOAD_DYLIB : There will be one of these load commands for each dynamic library that this file depends on. It contains the full path of the dependent library, sot he loader can recursively load it when necessary.
  • LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX: Specifies the minimum OS X version that the executable should be able to run on
  • LC_SOURCE_VERSION: Version of the source code
  • LC_MAIN: Offset of the entry point
Alright, let’s talk about LC_SEGMENT_64. Each one of these load commands gets mapped into memory, and each one specifies the permissions that it should be mapped with. In executables, there is one of these, called __PAGEZERO, which has no permissions and is mapped at virtual address 0. The fact that this gets mapped with no permissions is why your program crashes if you try to read or write from address 0.

The __TEXT segment is where your raw machine code lives, and is mapped such that you cannot write to it. A segment contains 0 or more sections, and the __TEXT segment contains a variety of sections. (On the other hand, __PAGEZERO contains 0 sections.) Sections exist so you can mark up specific parts of your mapped memory as being used for a particular purpose and specify relocations that must be performed. For example, read-only C string data can be placed inside the __TEXT segment along with your code because both don’t have write privileges, but you can mark that the two sections, __cstring and __text, should be treated differently by utilities.

There is also another segment, __DATA, which gets mapped with read and write privileges, but no execute privileges. This is for any global variables which get statically initialized.

The last segment I’ll mention, __LINKEDIT, maps all the linker-specific data structures in the file. There are no sections; instead, other linker-specific segments will reference data inside this segment.

You can see how all the various data structures the dynamic linker needs are described within the Mach-O format. The format holds machine code itself, but it also holds a bunch of other information such as symbol tables, relocation information, library dependency information, etc.

There’s one last neat feature of the format that I’d like to describe: the fact that the format is extensible. There are lots of different kinds of load commands, segments, and sections. In particular, the linker accepts a flag, -sectcreate, which will create a section at link time in any given segment and populate it with the contents of a file. Therefore, you can say -sectcreate __DATA arbitrarysectname file.dat and the contents of file.dat will automatically be mapped into your process at load time. You can then access the file by marking up a pointer with the following syntax:

extern const uint8_t fooStart __asm("section$start$__DATA$arbitrarysectname");
extern const uint8_t fooEnd __asm("section$end$__DATA$arbitrarysectname");

and those variables, fooStart and fooEnd, will live at the beginning / ending of the newly created section. You can iterate over the data in the section by just looping a pointer from &fooStart to &fooEnd.


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