Saturday, June 27, 2015

Surprising CSS Layouts

There are a few properties which all come into play when determining a layout described in CSS. However, these can interact in surprising ways. In this discussion, I’m only going to describe styling block elements. Here are the players:
  • Positioning. Blocks can be “positioned” which means that their position is stated explicitly relative to a “containing block.” You can think of it as the containing block creates a local coordinate system with the origin in its top left, and a positioned descendent states its position by using the “left” “top” “bottom” or “right” properties, which describe locations inside that coordinate system. Note that the containing block for an element is not simply the element’s parent; instead, it is the nearest ancestor with a “position” of “absolute” “relative” or “fixed.”
  • Stacking: You can specify a “z-order” on an element, which describes painting order. However, the z-order of an element is only relevant inside that element’s “stacking context.” From the outside looking in, a stacking context is atomic (flattened), and from the inside looking out, only items inside the stacking context have their painting order sorted. Specifying “z-order” on an element also creates a stacking context on that element (and its descendants belong to this stacking context)
  • Clipping: You can specify “overflow: hidden” on an element, and that will cause the element’s contents to be clipped to the bounds of the element. However, positioned descendants whose containing block is outside the overflow:hidden element won't be clipped.
  • Scrolling: Same thing as clipping, except the element has scrollbars and lets you scroll around to see the overflow. You can trigger scrolling with “overflow: scroll” but note how this is the same property that you would use for clipping so you can’t specify both at once.
  • 3D rendering: You can specify 3D transformations on an element, which specify the transform between the element’s local coordinate space and the coordinate space of the element’s parent. Doing so creates a containing block and a stacking context. It also creates a “3D rendering context” which is conceptually the shared 3D space that all elements in the context live in. If you’re on the outside looking in on a 3D rendering context, the contents of the 3D rendering context all get flattened into your local coordinate system when drawn.
Now that we’ve described the concepts at play here, we can combine them. There are a few combinations I’d like to call out as particularly surprising.
  1. You can have overflow: scroll between an element and its containing block. In the following example, both green and blue boxes’ DOM elements are inside the overflow: scroll element, but the green box is position: absolute and its containing block is outside the overflow: scroll. This means that, even though the green box’s DOM element is within the overflow: scroll, it doesn’t move when you scroll. Try scrolling the grey box to see what I mean.
  2. Overflow: scroll doesn’t create a stacking context, which means that its contents are in the same stacking context as its siblings. This means that some element from outside the overflow: scroll can decide to nestle in between the overflow: scroll’s contents (in the z-dimension). In this example, the red box is a sibling of the overflow: scroll, but the green and blue boxes are descendants of the overflow: scroll. Scroll around the grey box to see what I mean.
  3. Clipping doesn’t follow z-order. This means that you can clip an element in one z-index to an element in a completely different z-index. Therefore, you can have some other external element be displayed between the clipper and the clippee. In this example, the green box is being clipped by the red box. However, the blue box, which is external and a sibling to the red one, can get between the two. Note that all the boxes in this example have width: 100px; height: 100px;.
  4. Every time you specify a 3D transformation, it creates a new 3D rendering context, which causes flattening. This means that if you have nested 3D transformations, each transformation gets flattened into the plan of its parent, all the way up the DOM. There is a way to opt-out of this behavior (to have a shared 3D rendering context) but it requires an extra CSS property, transform-style: preserve-3D. In this example, the blue square is a descendent of the green square, and both have 3D transformations to rotate them around the Y axis. The first example does not have transform-style: preserve-3D, but the second example does. Mouse over (or tap) each of them to see how they are set up.

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