Saturday, November 22, 2014

Complex Text Handling in WebKit, Part 6: Run Layout

Previously we saw how text got transformed from lines to bidi runs, but we still have farther to go until we know exactly where to place each glyph. We have just created a sequence of bidi runs which represent a line, and we have to transform that into a data structure which represents the layout of each run.

The overarching problem that we are trying to solve is to figure out what things to draw and where to draw them when we want to draw a webpage. The usual way that these declarative scenes are drawn is with a scene graph (however, webpages conform to a tree structure), however, overloading the DOM tree to include this rendering information is a bad fit. Instead, we have separated concerns by creating a render tree which represents the scene graph of a DOM tree. The DOM tree is tasked with representing the structure of a webpage (which is what, for example, JavaScript interacts with) and the render tree is tasked with representing the answer to our original question - what to draw and where to draw it. RenderObjects have styles, but DOM nodes don’t; the CSS cascade defines how to assign every RenderObject its own style.

However, the render tree doesn’t go any deeper than a RenderText representing a text node. The RenderText object itself doesn’t have any layout information inside it about where to actually put each of the lines or runs or glyphs. Instead, the block-level container of the RenderText (a RenderBlockFlow instance) has a separate data structure which represents the layout information of all of its inline children.

For example, if you have <div>Lorem <b>ipsum</b></div>, the div itself is a DOM node, and it has a corresponding RenderObject in the render tree. The RenderObject would be a RenderBlockFlow instance, which would have two children: a RenderText (with the string “Lorem “ inside it) and a RenderInline (representing the <b> . Both of these two classes inherit from RenderObject. Note how there is no <b> specific subclass of RenderInline; the difference here is that the RenderInline has a different style than the RenderBlockFlow (namely, a style with a bold font). The RenderInline would have a RenderText child, with the string “ipsum” in it. However, none of these RenderTexts nor the RenderInline have information regarding layout. Instead, the RenderBlockFlow has a RenderLineBoxList member, which represents the layout information for all of the RenderBlockFlow’s inline children. The RenderLineBoxList is simply a list of InlineFlowBoxes.

There are only a few classes in this class hierarchy, so it makes sense to talk about them. InlineBox is the base class for all objects in the InlineBox tree. InlineFlowBox is a subclass which has pointers to children, so this class is used for all the non-leaves in the tree. RootInlineBox is a subclass of InlineFlowBox which represents the entire line, and has functions for dealing with the entire line. InlineTextBox is a subclass of InlineBox (so it can’t have any children) which represents a run of text with a particular directionality. InlineBox has fields which contain layout information.

Back to the algorithm. We’ve got a BidiRunList, and we want to turn that into an InlineBox tree, which includes populating the layout inside InlineBox (such as (x, y) and (width, height)). RenderBlockFlow::createLineBoxesFromBidiRuns() is responsible for this. We initially call RenderBlockFlow::constructLine() which simply creates the InlineBoxTree, then we lay out the tree in a horizontal pass and a vertical pass.

The horizontal pass occurs in computeInlineDirectionPositionsForLine(). Constructing the InlineBox tree isn’t very difficult; for every run in the BidiRunList, we create the appropriate InlineBox subclass instance (by delegating to the renderer, see createInlineBoxForRenderer()) and walk up the RenderObject tree creating InlineBoxes for our ancestors until we encounter a place to join up to the existing tree. We can walk up the RenderObject tree because the BidiRun has a pointer to the RenderObject for which the BidiRun represents a portion of. We can then set the BidiRun’s InlineBox pointer to be the leaf we just created.

Then comes our horizontal layout pass. This happens in two phases: setting widths for each InlineBox, and then setting positions for each InlineBox. Setting widths for an InlineTextBox mainly involves calling Font::width() on the RenderObject’s relevant substring. The RenderObject has a RenderStyle, which contains the Font to use while measuring the substring’s width. If the InlineBox isn’t an InlineTextBox (for example, an image or something), we can simply ask the renderer for its width. Once each InlineBox has a width, placing them horizontally is easy - simply accumulate the widths and set each InlineBox’s X position to the value of the accumulator. Note that the width pass iterates over BidiRuns, but the placement pass is recursive over the InlineBox tree.

Then comes the vertical pass. The idea of the vertical pass is that we want to align the baseline for all the elements in the line. This is already true within a particular InlineTextBox (due to font fallback, not all the characters in an InlineTextBox have to be drawn with the same font), so we have to align all the InlineBoxes so that the baselines align. The vertical pass occurs in computeBlockDirectionPositionsForLine(), and has two passes: a height pass and a position pass.

The height pass is a fairly straightforward recursive pass over the InlineBox tree. For every child, we call RootInlineBox::ascentAndDescentForBox() with the child. For text boxes, we simply iterates through the specific fonts that actually get used when drawing the text (which we know from calculating the InlineTextBox’s width earlier in the horizontal pass), keeping the minimum and maximum ascents and descents for the fonts. For replaced elements (like images), we simply ask the renderer what its height is. We also include things like line-height here. While we are recursing through all our InlineBoxes, we keep track of the maximum ascent and descent (which end up being the ascent and descent for the line as a whole).

Then, we place boxes vertically by calling placeBoxesInBlockDirection(). This is a recursive pass where we place each box’s Y position based on the box’s ascent compared to the line’s ascent. We also handle things here like ruby and emphasis marks.

Now we’ve got layout information regarding each run. Later when we paint we can simply recurse through the tree, and draw each element at it’s constituent position.

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