Monday, November 9, 2009

Project Euler problem 66 in Haskell

I just got finished programming up Project Euler problem 66 in Haskell. I must say, the solution is extremely elegant. One thing is certain - I never felt this good about programming in any imperative language. Something about framing a solution in as simple and powerful terms as possible just gets the dopamine flowing. Anyway, here is my solution:

continuedFraction :: Integral a => a -> a -> a -> [a]
continuedFraction root num denom = whole : (continuedFraction root newdenom outdenom)
where whole = floor (((sqrt $ fromIntegral root) + (fromIntegral num)) / (fromIntegral denom))
newdenom = (denom * whole) - num
outdenom = (root - newdenom*newdenom) `div` denom

evaluateConvergent :: Integral a => [a] -> (a, a)
evaluateConvergent terms = foldr (\ term (x, y) -> (y + term * x, x)) (1, 0) terms

getConvergents :: Integral a => a -> [(a, a)]
getConvergents root = [evaluateConvergent $ take x $ continuedFraction root 0 1 | x <- [1..]]

getX :: Integral a => a -> a
getX d = fst $ head $ filter (\ (x, y) -> x*x - d*y*y == 1) $ getConvergents d

isPerfectSquare :: Integral a => a -> Bool
isPerfectSquare val = val == squareroot * squareroot
where squareroot = floor $ sqrt $ fromIntegral val

argmax :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> a
argmax func list = fst $ foldl1 (\ (x1, y1) (x2, y2) -> if y1 > y2 then (x1, y1) else (x2, y2)) $ zip list (map func list)

main = print $ argmax getX (filter (not . isPerfectSquare) [2..1000])

And there you have it. Solution runs in about 0.4 seconds on my laptop.

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